Holistic Net Zero Carbon Roadmap

Further to joining the global pledge of Business Ambition for 1.5°C in 2021, Sino Land has unveiled its Decarbonisation Blueprint, a holistic roadmap towards net zero carbon by 2050. Collaborating with HKUST to set science-based targets after one year of extensive research, we have set interim targets for decarbonisation, including provisions for climate risk assessment for wholly owned new projects, to enhance the risk management system. The Decarbonisation Blueprint covers 30 areas including energy efficiency, renewable energy and engagement with our tenants and customers.

We have also conducted climate risk assessment to evaluate climate resilience across the Group’s over 170 properties in Hong Kong in alignment with recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), enabling the Group to make better informed decisions, plan a forward-looking strategy and enhance climate-related information disclosure.

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